An issue I’ve had as far back as I can remember is spreading my time and focus between my hobbies. I usually focus on one or two and neglect all the rest. Well, I think I may have finally, at 31 years old, found a system that works for me. Cause another problem I have is that get overwhelmed by my to-do list and end up never doing anything. Right, so I found a system, and it allowed me to participate in some of the hobbies that I’ve been ignoring for months. I finally got caught up with the monthly BuJo wrap-ups that I’d stopped doing in November.
The method I found, maybe it helps someone else:
Once per week I do a long list of everything I want to do next week, grouped into categories like hair & body care, chores, errands, hobbies and sports. And then I plan out one of each per day, sometimes even with break days. I do all of this in a journal that I plaster with cute washi tape, stickers and colorful pens, so it’s a fun activity.
I cannot overstate how much this has improved my mood over the past two weeks. Having a clear plan for my day and the multiple feelings of accomplishment I get from actually doing things I’ve been putting off for so long is amazing. I’ve also started a new sewing project, done some calligraphy practice, finished painting my mini, did my laundry before it started overflowing, did some sports, and had far fewer snacks out of boredom!
The pictures of the monthly wrap-ups that I finished today:
(Between my handwriting and busted up camera phone, I expect these to be impossible to read, so I’ll link to my wrap-up posts too)