Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo Review

6:18 pm | |

About the audiobook:
The audiobook has a narration choice that I did not agree with, and it did not agree with me. Six of Crows is structured in chapters from the POV of the main characters. Each character is narrated by a different person, so that means that in dialogues we’ve got way too many versions of each voice. The first ¼ of the book was soooo confusing because of this, I really wished I’d had gotten the ebook, but I was on a trip and only had this one downloaded so was stuck with it. I also personally hate the woman who does Nina, cause of Throne of Glass series.

Ahem, moving on

Throughout the beginning of Six of Crows I was just angry at the narration and did not get the hype with this book. What is it with these super powerful teens again? Are there no adults in fantasyland to handle important secret spy missions? Why is Kaz so edgy? Why am I listening to this? Inej is cool af though, I’m disappointed the cover isn’t her brooding with her hood up.

But then, eventually, I was sucked in.

Shit got very Ocean’s 11. When they got to the actual heist part and their plans were falling into place, out of place, all over the place, I had Ocean’s 11 music in my head. I loved the rapid scene switches with seemingly no connection but then it turns out as planned. Or does it? I’m asking I don’t know, I wrote this part of the review before finishing the book …

I felt a bit conflicted about the way the character backstories were introduced. I liked them, Matthias and Nina’s story and relationship were what kept me going for most of them, but there’s the problem. In one way the flashbacks felt like a constant interruption, in another they were better than what was actually going on a lot of times.

My breakdown of the characters:
Inej – love her, cause I like the stealthy sneaky rogue, and in her case it makes sense with her background which is always nice.
Kaz – I’m sorry, but I cannot with the super competent edgy teens who grew up on the streets and are tough as nails. I think it’s just a you seen one, seen em all thing, he’s not that bad. And he acts human towards his end and after you see his backstory. And the gloves thing is interesting
Jesper – sounds like a lot of fun, and he’s got a cool voice in the audio, I wish we saw more of him
Nina – has the insufferable voice that makes her sound too dramatic and I could not get over it
Wylan – seems like a good kid, but don’t see much of him

I find it impossible to rate, I thought some parts where great, some parts were meh and the narration was bad, and they should feel bad. I think I felt a lot better about it once I accepted that it’s an overtop YA heist book, I didn’t even mind the ending, despite it being the sort of ending that I usually dislike. I’ll probably read book two

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