Top Ten Tuesday: 10 great relationships in fantasy and sci-fi books

11:08 am | | Comments 8

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in.

I got anxiety, usually greatly amplified by relationships, so when I met my SO, and the relationship with him was calming rather than stressful, my mind was blown. I hadn’t even known that was an option! Since then I’ve started appreciating relationships in books that are supportive rather than stressful. My favourite scenario is skipping the will-they-won’t-they altogether, but I’m also happy if they get together in a timely manner and act nice and supportive to each other.

Also, if you’ve got any other recs of no-stress relationships, gimme! Here go 10 great relationships in fantasy and sci-fi books!

  1. The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal


I loved Elma and Nathan’s relationship in The Calculating Stars. They’re a happily married couple, who always support each other and tell each other things. And they have the hot nerdy sex with rocketry jokes.

  1. The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold


Cordelia and Aral come together through mutual admiration and respect. Their entire relationship is so mature and no-nonsense.  

  1. Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri

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Mehr and Amun are forced together against their will, so as their relationship oh, so very slowly, grows, they squeeze out every little bit of freedom and consent that they can.

  1. The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards

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The Tarot Sequence is just bursting with great relationships, and the romantic one is no different. I really enjoyed how it went from tentative flirt to “I’m pursuing you, but also giving you space” without any angstyness involved. I’m also a huge fan of people being open and honest, but not too pushy, about their romantic interest, it’s the sort of healthy relationship that I want to read about.

  1. The Goblin Emperor by Katerine Addison


Ok, there’s hardly a lot of romance in there, but I really liked the mutual respect thing. And yes, I will stick The Goblin Emperor onto any list I can.

  1. Queens of the Wyrd by Timandra Whitecastle

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Hel and Eira don’t get a lot of page time, as Hel, queen of the realm of the dead, isn’t part of the Shieldmaiden’s group. But what’s not to love about two Death queens in a caring relationship? I loved how Eira is the Springmaiden, but piss her off and her death side comes out.

The “I shouldn’t like these based on my no-anxiety criteria, but I do” group

I’m normally not into people taking forever to realise they’re into each other, except when I very much am

  1. Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

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These two idiots are adorable and I was on the edge of my seat  pillow, reading far too long into the night

  1. Spirit Caller series by Krista D Ball

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Seeing how completely clueless I am, I related completely to Rachel and her super dopey crush, it also helped a lot that the relationship was so sweet and supportive. It was all just so realistic to me.

  1. The DMZ by Rachel Aaron

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Another one for the clueless team. I’m normally a bit annoyed with the “she’s pretty but she doesn’t know it” trope, but here it worked. Opal takes for ever to take a hint, but it makes sense, because she’s so focused on her more immediate problems.

I almost forgot! If you have any other SFF recs for wholesome low-stress relationships, gimme, please!


  1. I haven’t read any of these, but I’m excited to pick up Red, White, and Royal Blue! I’ve heard good things about that one 🙂

    My TTT

    1. Dianthaa says:

      It is so sweet! I couldn’t put it down… hmm actually might reread it soon

  2. Lydia says:

    The Goblin Emperor should be squeezed onto as many TTT lists as possible!

    My TTT .

    1. Dianthaa says:


      hmm maybe for the next freebie I should just do 10 things I love about Goblin Emperor

  3. Great picks! I adored Red White and Royal Blue–definitely an all time favourite and so, so, so fun and romantic and warm and fuzzy inducing. As for the rest of your picks, I am definitely looking into quite a few of the ones I hadn’t heard about!

    1. Dianthaa says:

      The Last Sun has all the warm and fuzzies too, in between a lot of fantasy actions, but the relationships in it are all amazing.

  4. Red, White, & Royal Blue seems to be on everyone’s lists. I may need to pick that one up. 😉 Great post!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Dianthaa says:

      It’s just so sweet, you should try it!

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