Tag | Bookaholics Anonymous

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I saw this over at Caffeinated Fae yesterday, and of course I took it personally and had to write my own, I mean come on. My new year’s resolutions included reading less (to leave time for other hobbies) and buying less books, so far I’m failing both of them.

1. What do you like about buying new books?

It’s kinda like the thrill of a new adventure. Physical books are the most fun to buy, love cracking them open and smelling them, caressing their spines, putting them on the shelf based on publishing house and color, never reading them cause ebooks are so much more practical.

2. How often do you buy new books?

More often than I’d like. I haven’t quite moved to the “you don’t have to read every book you buy mentality”, not even when it comes to 1$ ebooks, so my bought but unread books stress me a bit. I’m trying to read what I already own this year, but I’ve still already bought 5 books in february.

3. Bookstore or online book shopping: which do you prefer?

I love bookstores, I travel a lot, and whenever I’m in a new city I check out the English language fantasy section. Stockholm has an amazing English SFF bookstore, if anyone’s headed that way.

4. Do you have a favorite bookshop?

Two in my city:

Cartea de nisip (the sand book) which is very central, in an old building, and has a good selection of SFF, even in English

La Doua Bufnite (at the two owls’) which is super cute and does lots of events.

5. Do you pre-order books?

Sometimes but not often, I think I preordered 5 books last year, all from indie authors.

6. Do you have a monthly buying limit?

Not really, I’m trying to buy less as  read my way through what I own, but I haven’t come up with a hard limit yet.

7. How big is your wish list?

A wish list is a far too simple system for me, I need something harder to use. What I’ve been doing for the past two years is making a big ol spreadsheet in april when the r/fantasy bingo comes out, with books from my goodreads want to read list. This year I’ll do it differently, but not sure how yet.

8. Which three books from your wish list do you wish to own right now?

Cause of my bad impulse control, I own pretty much all the books I want to from wishlist, so I’ll turn this around to 3 books I own and I’d like to read right now, but I’ve weirdly been putting off:

  • The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E Harrow
  • This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
  • The Books of Earthsea (illustrated edition) by Ursula K Le Guin

What are your book buying habits? Please tell me I’m not alone here being crushed by mount TBR.



  1. I’m pretty sure being crushed by our TBR is our natural state. LOL

    1. Dianthaa says:

      That makes me feel a little better

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