Blackathon: reading plans, looking for and giving recs

8:52 pm | | Comments 7

Blackathon is a month-long event hosted by Jesse @ Bowties & Books. They’ve got a lot planned, reading prompts, movie nights, lots of events across Youtube, Instagram and Twitter. Three teams and 6 co-hosts. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

The part I’m most excited about is obviously reading books. The three teams are SFF, Contemporary/Literature/Non-Fiction and Thriller/Horror. I’ll stick to the speculative fiction ones.

Note from the organizers: as is tradition, each challenge is named after a Black author who embodies their prompt or who has written something that fits the prompt they are named for.



I’ve got some books lined up for the SFF prompts, but two of them are middle grade books which is more of a time-to-time category than a two-in-a-month category for me, so I’d like to have more options for the time travel-square. I’m also not entirely sure my books fit the traveler/journey theme.

Rita Woods: A character traverses Spritual realm or heavily embodies Black spirituality/spiritualism 
Tade Thompson: A Black protagonist encounters an alien civilization or alien technology 
  • Book I’m guessing the prompt was named for: Rosewater by Tade Thompson
  • My recs: really not read many outside Rosewater, but LaGuardia and Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
  • What I’ll probably be reading: either The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow or The Rosewater Insurrection by Tade Thompson. I’m not entirely sure I’m in the mood for more Kaaro just yet, but I’ve heard this has more PoVs so might go for it. I’m also waiting for the announcement for our Classics? book club this month since some of the choices there might fit too.
Octavia Butler: Time travel is a major component to the story
Group Book:

The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbull

  • Caveat – at least one of the books must be a non US/UK setting – I’ve got that covered with the aliens prompt


Team Thriller/Horror 

I know far less about thrillers/ horror, so leaving this one up to you. All I know is Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark should be in there somewhere, maybe supernatural or paranormal?

  • Megan Giddings: A Black character moves to a new town with an old secret 
  • Victor LaValle: Supernatural or paranormal horror 
  • Rachel Howzell: Taking place on vacation, sabbatical, or a decadent setting
  • Group book: Wife of the Gods by Kwei Quartey
  • Caveat – at least one of the books must be a non-US/UK thriller or horror 


The hosts:



Graphics from the event’s twitter.


  1. Aoife says:

    Ohhh good luck with that and lots of fun! I’ve only read Djèlí Clark’s Steampunk Egypt mystery novels but I loved those so if you end up reading some of his I’m curious about what you think about them

  2. Oooooh this sounds super fun! I’m trying to think of some books for the horror/thriller one, but they all mostly fit into the paranormal section…hmm. I’ll get back to you if I think of anything 😀

    Also, this reminds me I gotta catch up on P Djeli Clark’s books!

  3. Well I found They all Fall Down by Rachel Howell Hall, which fits the vacation prompt. The reviews are kinda mixed but the blurb makes it sound fun!

    I complained about this during the BLM bingo, but I can’t believe how saturated the thriller market is with white suburban women as MCs. Can we please get something different 😩

  4. Arina says:

    Joining this one too! Stepping outsidr SFF and joining team Thriller/Horror, so will be a lot of fun 😊

    1. Dianthaa says:

      Have fun! I started on my first book today, A Wish After Midnight, and so far I’m loving it!

  5. Dianthaa says:

    I’ve read the Steampunk Egypt ones and they’re some of my favorite books, I’m so excited for the full novel this year.

  6. Dianthaa says:

    Thank you! I’ll check it out for sure. I don’t read a lot of thrillers/horror on account of being so easily scared and stressed, but Jesse from Books and Bowties who’s hosting this had a really interesting video about things reviewers say about horror/thriller books by Black authors, if you haven’t seen it you might like it.

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