Rambling questions: How to blog hop?

9:50 am | | Comments 3

The title is a genuine question, I’m asking how to blog hop cause I ain’t got it. I do a few different things but I always end up feeling like I’m behind? Even thought it makes sense a person couldn’t keep up with all the posts in the world (it does make sense right?) I still always feel like I’m missing out.

Now, FOMO is a deep and recurring theme in my life, but I figure asking questions and sharing notes can’t hurt. I’ve realized I have no real grasp of what’s “the usual” way.

What I currently do:

  • Blogging memes  -The Sunday Post and Top Ten Tuesday are my favs. These are lots of fun but I admit they’re easiest for me to get overwhelmed with, cause if I check it and there are 20 or posts that’s chill, but if I come late to the party and there are 50 posts or so I feel like I can never catch up
  • Commenting back – this is the easiest to keep on top of (and by easiest I mean every week or other week, or maybe more sometimes). I can see them easily in my wordpress on desktop in a way that is not wonky and go through them and there’s no missing out since they’re all in the same place
  • WordPress reader – this is the wonkiest. I don’t undestand how WP decided what to show me in the reader and what not because some of my closest friend’s blogs never show up in the reader. Also it glitches and sometimes likes or comments don’t work, and it’s really hard to keep track of what I’ve already read and haven’t read. It is cool that I can use it on mobile while I’ve got time to kill, but so wonky
  • Twitter – at least half the time this goes like “oh I should read that it sounds interesting!” scroll scroll scroll and forget about it
  • E-mail subscriptions – These sometimes work, I’ve got e-mails set to arrive in weekly digest so I check through my e-mails and open the posts I’m interested in (which is most posts, why are you all writing cool stuff?) and then save them to my reading list in chrome to read over the next week. But this only works on desktop

So my questions are:

  • What platform/interface/system do you use to blog hop?
  • How often do you do it, how much time does it take?
  • How do you deal with not getting to see all the things?
  • Do you read everything as you open, or save for later?


Oh and, I add A LOT of books to my Goodreads Want to Read shelf while reading other blogs, and then I see the book in GR and can’t remember how it got there. Do you know a good way to manage this? Preferably that also works on mobile?


  1. Tammy says:

    I have a good method that works for me but I know it doesn’t work for everyone. I ONLY subscribe by email to the blogs I follow (and it’s frustrating when I find a blog without an email option.) I check my email twice a day, EVERY day, in the morning and after work. I spend about an hour in the morning going to all the blogs that have new posts and then catch up with the ones I missed after work. I also comment back on blogs I don’t follow when someone leaves a comment. I personally love blog hopping and consider my fellow bloggers friends. Maybe I need to make more friends in real life, lol😁

    1. Dianthaa says:

      Oh wow that’s impressive! I can’t manage to do anything consistently every day, except maybe eat, much less twice a day!
      I also love blog hopping (RIP my TBR) but I keep feeling like I haven’t quite gotten the hang of integrating it into my routine. Though maybe that’s because I don’t actually have much of a functional routine.

  2. peatlong says:

    I am very much a catch them as I can person. I mostly click on things I see on Twitter as and when I see them. Sometimes I’ll have a ramble down the WordPress reader, or an email notification will catch my attention. I also have an internal shortlist of blogs I check every now and again if I haven’t see much just to be sure.

    Tbh, most of the time I go to WP reader is when looking for content for Friday Five, and part of why I do that is it’s a good reason to go broadening my horizons and finding new blogs.

    I’m not saying my method is a good one though!

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