The Sunday Post: November 2021 Round-Up
12 Dec 2021
Sunday Post: November Wrap-Up
Dianthaa 6 comments
Goings-On November was once again, not the best for blogging. I did end up reading a good amount though, and giving some love to my other hobbies. Up until the 17th I frantically trying to finish my Hugo reads and get my votes in, and that organized chaos kinda tired
Mini-reviews: Black Water Sister, The Hidden City, The Bone Houses, Kingdom of Souls, The Belles
11 Dec 2021
Mini-reviews: Black Water Sister, The Hidden City, The Bone Houses, Kingdom of Souls, The Belles
Dianthaa one comments
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho Genre: Fantasy Age group: Adult Pub. date: May 11th 2021 by Ace Books Format: Audiobook Pages: 370 Goodreads link A reluctant medium discovers the ties that bind can unleash a dangerous power in this compelling Malaysian-set contemporary fantasy. Jessamyn Teoh is closeted, broke and
Top Ten Tuesday: 10 love stories in SciFi and Fantasy
07 Dec 2021
Dianthaa 8 comments
Hi! It’s been a while, I dunno why but I haven’t been able to write much of anything lately, though I’ve been reading a fair bit, and binging Netflix Christmas movies. I thought to myself this morning “I’ll just do a quick Top Ten Tuesday post, that won’t need too
The Wheel of Time Ep 4 – This is now a Nynaeve stan account
26 Nov 2021
Wheel of time ep 4
Dianthaa no comments
I don’t intend to write a post about every Wheel of Time episode, but words aren’t coming to me on any other subject, so there. Here were my thoughts on episodes 1-3. I’ll have a section with spoilers from the book at the end of the post. I really enjoyed
The Wheel of Time Turns … a little too quickly – spoilery thoughts for WoT episodes 1-3
19 Nov 2021
Dianthaa 7 comments
I watched. I have thoughts. They’re gonna come off as nitpicky, I’m enjoying it and I’ll keep watching, but too me it’s fine not great. There are a few things that worked really poorly for me so ofc I’m tempted to go on and on and on and on about
Mage Errant by John Bierce – Series Review – Spoiler Screaming Hidden
17 Nov 2021
Mage Errant by John Bierce, image is a collage of the covers of the 5 books currently published
Dianthaa 2 comments
I appear to be in a very unusual binging mood, this being the second series I’ve binged recently. I’ve been meaning to read it since forever, mostly due to John Bierce’s fun online presence, even the abominations he calls sandwhiches on Twitter. Oh, and he mentions everytime someone complains about
28 Young Adult and Middle Grade Books: Gift Buying Guide Based on my Favorites
11 Nov 2021
28 Young Adult and Middle Grade Books Gift Buying Suggestions Based on my Favorites
Dianthaa 4 comments
I usually crosspost my blog posts to r/fantasy, but this time I’m copying my comment from Reddit to the Blog because it took so long to write I thought it was worth it. Brought to you because of this post: Unofficial YA and MG Recommendation List & Gift Giving Guide by
The Sunday post, Stacking the Shelves and Sewing a Petticoat
07 Nov 2021
Dianthaa 3 comments
Goings on It’s strange of me to do a monthly wrap-up and a Sunday post in one week, but it’s a busy week! And I realized I haven’t done Stacking the Shelves in a looong time so I felt like taking inventory. After watching a few historical fashion videos, moslty
October Wrap-Up
05 Nov 2021
Dianthaa 4 comments
I’m linking up with The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up, hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight. Goings-On We had a nice autumn for once! We don’t get that a lot, but it was warm and sunny for most of the month, I got to do a
Sordaneon by L.L. Stephens – Can’t Wait Wednesday – Excerpt
03 Nov 2021
Sordaneon by L.L. Stephans - Can't Wait Wednesday - Excerpt
Dianthaa 4 comments
I’m really curious about Sordaneon, because it’s described as a heady mix between Dune (which I love the concept of) and Ada Palmer’s Terra Ignota series (of which I’ve recently read book 1 and love it). It sounds very up my alley! I was offered an ARC by Forest Path
Mistcloak Cosplay from Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
May 14, 2020
Mistcloak Cosplay from Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Dianthaa 12 comments
This is my “random noblewoman” Cosplay mistcloak from Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I really wanted to cosplay a character from a fantasy book and this was really the obvious choice for something easily recognizable. For full artistic freedom, she lives sometime between era 1 and era 2, just so I could go with the kind